Powerlifting Live


Online support: https://m.me/powerliftinglive

1. General advice

Never trust technology. Problems can occur with computers, software or electrical power. Always make sure you have a paper copy of results, either by using speaker cards or having manual results on paper.

Watch a complete demo of a small competition:

Use the built-in wizard

The built-in wizard shows each step required before, during and after the competition. If possible, each step will show the status(green or red).

2. Preparations when the list of nominations is ready

Creating the competition Press the New Competition button on the left side in the administration panel. Enter the name of the competititon.

2.1 Weigh ins

Weigh ins are created and edited in the menu Weighins. Click on the time field and select the correct date and time, and then click Create.

2.2 Groups

Lifter groups are created in the menu Groups. Enter a name for the group in the field Name and press Create. Note that when deciding the group order, the groups are sorted alphabetically. Due to this the best naming would be Group 1, Group 2 etc. After creating the group you need to connect it to the correct weigh in and then press Save.

2.3 Adding lifters

When adding lifters you have two options, either adding them manually using name, or using one of the automatic import options (import nomination list, or using license number).

2.3.1 Manual adding

First you need to add the teams. This is done in the Teams menu. After adding all teams you can proceed to adding lifters. Lifters are added in the menu Lifters. Enter the name of the lifter in the Name: field and press Create. You will then get a list of all the information and settings for the lifter.
Before the competition you need to make sure the following fields are set correctly: Sex, raw, category, group, body weight and team. When entering the body weight before the weigh in you should enter the exact weight of the weight class, for instance 74.0 if the weight class is -74 kg. For 120+ and 84+ you can use 121 and 85.

2.3.2 Importing lifters

If you have a Pro License with integration you could have the option of importing nomination lists or searching for lifters.
Importing of lifters is done by opening the Lifters page and clicking Import nomination list. You will then be presented with a list of competitions. Select the correct competition and press Continue. Nominated lifters will be listed.

By default all lifters are checked, but you can uncheck any lifters you do not want to import. Also select the correct group you want to put the lifters in. Finally press Import selected lifters on the bottom. The selected lifters will be imported, and teams will automatically be created.

You can also import lifters by searching using name or license number. This is done from the Lifters page. Enter your search term next to the field Name or license number. You will get a list of matches, and you can import the lifter by clicking on the name. The lifter will be imported and the lifters team will be created.

2.4 Distributing lot numbers

The system has built in support for distributing random lot numbers to all lifters. From the Lifters page press Random lot numbers to perform this. Random numbers will be distributed, with unused lot numbers between the groups(in case of weight class/group changes).

2.5 Competition settings

The Settings page contains different settings for the competition. Here you can enable various rankings (e.g. IPF team points, or IPF points rankings) or adjust other configuration options. In case of a Pro License with records integration you are also able to select which record list to use. In the Countdown section you are able to set a countdown which will be displayed on all screens. Here you can enter a time, e.g. 14:30, or a number of minutes. Enter 60 to countdown for one hour.

2.6 Importing records

Pro License users are able to import records if such integration/import exists. This will happen automatically in the background.

2.7 Generating and printing documents

In the Documents page it is possible to generate and print the following documents:
  • Speaker cards(powerlifting or bench press only)
  • Lists for: weigh in, equipment check and rack heights
  • Protocol
Just select one or more groups and press Generate document. Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple groups. The generated document is a PDF file.

3. After weigh in is done

3.1 Entering body weight, opening attempts and rack heights

Information about body weight and opening attempts is entered in the Lifters page. You can click on the correct lifter or search using name. However, the fastest method is using lot numbers.
If you have speaker cards printed with correct lot numbers you can just type in the lot number and press enter to go directly to the correct lifter. Based on the selected Quick mode you will go directly to either the lifter body weight or rack heights.
For optimal entering of data just enter the lot number and press enter in the Lifters page, then enter body weight and press tab to switch to the opening attempts fields. After entering all opening attempts press enter to save and go back to the lifters page to repeat the process. Rack heights are text fields, so in case of special rack configurations(block for benchpress or squat rack moved in) just use text characters to signalise this.

3.2 Setting up screens

Press Screen - New Screen to open a new screen window. Select desired competition and screen type:
  • Results: Shows results for current group including lifter order
  • Lifter: Shows only the current lifter
  • Loading: Shows the current and next lifter including exact discs

4. When competition has started

Go to the page called Results to open the page where you will be entering data during the competition. Make sure the correct discipline is selected for Current discipline. After this is verified you can also start using the simplified version(see below). Starting timer for bar loaded Click the button called Bar loaded to start a countdown of 60 seconds. You can also press the shortcut key B to start this timer.

4.1 Entering lifts

If all attempts are entered correctly you should have two buttons below the Actions text: Good lift or No lift. Press the correct button according to the referee decision, or simply press G or N keys. The lift will be marked accordingly in the results table and updated on all screens.
The next lifter will be marked in the table. After the lift you will get a text field on the bottom where you fill in the next attempt. By default this field will have the last attempt weight + 2.5 kg (if it was a good lift) or the same weight (if it was a no lift).
Enter the correct reported attempt and press enter when the field is in focus.
From here you will be repeating the process of starting the Bar loaded timer, marking lifts as good or no lift and entering the next attempt. Lifter order is decided automatically based on entered weights and lot numbers.

If you do an error when entering data for lifts(or if there was an actual change) you need to update the table. Click directly on the attempt in question. If you need to change the weight, just enter the updated weight and press the Enter key. If you need to change the status of a lift, use the following keys: R: Reset the lift, so it will be marked as not completed G: Change the status to Good lift N: Change the status to No lift.
Optionally you can press the "Change" button to change any of the lifts.

4.2 Record attempts

If a record import/integration is available(and record list is checked in the Settings page) any record attempts will be automatically highlighted on screens and scoresheet.

4.3 Changing the current group and discipline

If you have multiple groups which had the same weigh in you need to change the current group. In Administration - Results select the correct group from the group dropdown menu. Then press the Make this the current group button on the top. If you have just one group, or if all groups from the current weigh in finished their exercise, you need to change the current discipline. Select the correct discipline from the Current discipline dropdown.

4.4 Setting a countdown

If you have just one group you can enter the break between disciplines in the Settings page or directly from the Results page (top right). Enter number of minutes break or set a specific time(e.g 12:30). This countdown will be displayed on all screens.

4.5 Simplified Results Interface

Administration - Results (simplified) is optimized for iPad or tablet use, but can also be used from a regular computer. It makes it possible to enter most data by simply pressing buttons, including good/no lift(if integrated referee system is not used) next attempt and starting the timer for bar loaded.

4.6 Special cases

4.6.1 Awarded extra attempt at end of round

If a lifter is awarded an extra attempt at end of round(due to spotter or other error), the current workflow is to keep the lift as a "no lift" until the end of the round, and then reset the lift at end of the round in order for the new attempt to start. This means the lift order will temporarily not show this extra attempt. In a later version there will be functionality for properly marking an awarded extra lift, to maintain lifter order all the way until the extra lift.

5. After the competition

5.1 Showing and printing results

Results including selected rankings are available from the Results menu. There is a page for printing results for the medal ceremony.

5.2 Printing diplomas

By using the Excel version of results you are able to use the Word mail merge functionality to fill in your own template for diplomas. The excel results are available in the menu Results - Excel.

5.3 Submitting results

Pro License users with an integration are able to submit results from the Protocol page. Fill in the appropriate values and press Save and submit to submit the results to your national federation.

3. Online publishing of results

For showing live online results you can simply distribute the URL for the screen Results (all) e.g.: https://trial.powerliftinglive.com/screen_scoresheet.php?all=1&id=203

4. Backup

A backup is automatically saved every 5 minutes if there was any change done to a competition. This backup can be restored from Administration - Backups.

5. Timesheet

Powerlifting Live is able to calculate an approximate schedule for the competition based on the weigh in times, number of lifters and average time per lift. This is done from the Timesheet page. Enter an average number of seconds per lift, and adjust the length of the break between disciplines(if applicable). During the competition this will show live predictions based on the average time per lift.

6. Referee system

Powerlifting Live has an integrated referee system which can be used with mobile phones or small tablets. Referees can open https://dk.powerliftinglive.com/ref and select the correct competition and referee position. Referee devices need to be approved from Administration - Referee signals. See video demo: